New Year Nice SMS of Happy New Year To Send:- Thus, we also hope that we do well in love, with our partner, in love with our family, and that in general, we have a lot of peace. That's why now, we are leaving you some free phrases for New Year , so you can send them to your friends, family and other people around you.
Find original new year messages to send
“Happy New Year, and remember to ask for your wishes with every grape you eat. However, do not forget that you should help make those wishes come true.
So, remember the saying that says, help me that I will help you, because you must be the first to put a lot of effort, so that every wish you have fulfilled is fulfilled, because nothing comes alone. if you don't do your part. ”
“ How nice that the New Year arrives , and that with it comes much joy and happiness for all of us. So, I propose that you close your eyes, and imagine everything you want, so you can get it in this New Year.
You know, you are a beautiful person and God will fill you with many blessings , so that you always go the way of happiness. Happy New Year ! ".
“Happy New Year dear friend, receive through this message a hug loaded with a lot of sincere love, from a friend who esteems you, who will always be willing to listen to you, and who will always know where to be, in the moment You need it most.
You know, in my family, we always remember you, with love; Therefore, we want to send you our good vibes in this New Year, which is coming. Do not forget, that in our home, you always have a place for yourself. A hug".
“Much love, health and work for you are my sincere wishes. So, you are my lifelong friend, and I know how much we love each other, because we have already demonstrated many times, the esteem that we both have.
So, you are an angel, who always follows me where I am going, and who is always taking care of me. Therefore, all I can wish for you is your happiness, and a shower of blessings from our beloved Heavenly Father. A big hug and a Happy New Year . ”
“May this New Year bring you tranquility, peace, bliss, love and prosperity, which you deserve; Well, you are a beautiful person. Also, in the midst of all my desires, I ask God for a shower of blessings for you, because you deserve it, for being such a good woman.
Thus, it is time for you to be happy; Therefore, I am sure that this coming year will be your year. A hug full of pure love for you. ”
We wish you a nice New Year , and that along with it all your dreams come, and longings. We hope that these free phrases, which we have left you, lines above, you liked and could have sent to the people you love most.
Come back soon, for more free phrases, of different themes and types! Until next time with more news! We are always updating our website! Do not forget!. We'll be waiting for you!.
Free New Year messages without you
Spending the New Year without the person you love is very sad, since this date is cause for joy and good vibes. In addition, it is a fact that you got used year by year, to spend it together and happy, and suddenly something happens, and everything breaks, or it may also be that one of the two has had to travel, and they have not had to spend them together , just the end of the year, or they just fought and now they are not together.
In this way, what had to be a celebration of happiness, will become a celebration of melancholy and sadness and is thus ladies and gentlemen, which for some is sadness, for others it is happiness. So, all this we can let that person know, through a free phrase like the ones we leave below.
Find sad New Year thoughts without my love.
“ I never thought of having to spend the New Year away from you, from the love of my life, but that's the way life is , and she separated us herself. In this way, now nothing is the same for me, since the New Year that used to happen happily by your side, has no reason to be, because you are no longer with me. I miss you so much, and you don't know how much I would like to spend it together again .
Doesn't the same happen to you? Hopefully next year, if we can be together my heaven and make promises of love, for the New Year, to come. I love you with all my heart".
“ Love, I'm sad and I don't want to receive the New Year like that . You know, I have a feeling of deep sadness, which oppresses my chest, not having you by my side, because we have always spent it together; Happy of life, asking for our wishes one by one, grape by grape, laughing, and dancing. However, this time you had to travel and spend it there, far from me, from your love and vice versa.
For all this, I propose that we close our eyes, and eat the grapes one by one, feeling as if we are looking at each other, and promising to love each other all our lives. Happy New Year!".
“Love even if we are fighting just this New Year, I want to wish you that the coming New Year brings good things for you, much peace and prosperity, and that your heart be opened like a book, so that it knows how to understand me.
Besides, I wish you could realize, how much I love you, and how sad I will be at twelve, for not finding myself next to the being I love who you are.
Unfortunately, sometimes things take time to understand each other, but remember that communication is everything, because with it you can overcome misunderstandings.
Happy New Year!. I have not stopped loving you my love. ”
“Without you I am nothing, for you are everything in my life; That is why I will be sad this New Year, because I will be alone, waiting for you to reconsider, and never doubt my love for you.
Please realize that I am a woman of only one man, and that I have never turned to look anywhere else. So I hope you reconsider, because my love for you is so great that I will give you time to think things through.
For my part, I wish you a nice New Year, and may it bring understanding, peace and love, among us . ”
A Happy New Year to you, full of light and blessings. We hope you liked these free New Year phrases. Come back soon, for more free phrases! Until next time!. We will wait for you!.
Send cute New Year sms to your friends for free
The year is over and you still haven't called all your friends? Because you have to know that there is a simpler, faster and cheaper way to do it. If you want to communicate more easily, use SMS.
With a single message you can communicate with several recipients and thus you can save a lot of time.
In the new year it is a date that phones are usually congested, and therefore it is recommended to send SMS. And the most wonderful thing is that the cost is much less than making phone calls. Do you want to greet your friends for the arrival of a new year ? .
Send new year SMS . Here we show you some text messages that will be useful to express your feelings for this day to all your friends.
Send original text messages to friends for the new year
"This would have been a very complicated year for me if you had not been by my side so valuable, I want to thank you very much and wish you a happy new year "
"In this year that ended we have all strengthened, we have joined more and we have shown that we are united through a great friendship, happy new year friends"
"In many areas of my life I have been helped just by being your friend, with you I learned to trust me and not to give in to problems, I thank you for every friend and I wish you a happy new year "
"Having your friendship is one of the most wonderful things that have happened to me this year, you are a spectacular person and I would be very happy if in this new year we continue to have our friendship, a big hug and a happy new year "
“When I was sad, you appeared to make me happy, when I got weak you appeared to strengthen me, all that and much more is what makes me love you so much, happy new year”
“What a joy I feel to be able to shout that I have an authentic friend, one who always gives me a hand when I have the need, happy new year”
“I never had brothers but since we met my feeling is that you are, in this new year there will be no nanda to paralyze us until we reach our dreams, happy new year”
“Since we have our friendship, the trsitezas for love that harbored my heart have gone, with you I learned to comfort myself and I thank you, have a happy new year”
"You always say the true things and that is what causes me the most admiration in you, I will also be authentic in telling you that I have never met someone with such kindness as you, happy new year friend "
“The new year has arrived and my desire is to start it in the best way, telling you that I have a lot of love for you and that for your friendship my life has happiness, friend that you have a prosperous new year ”
“The year ends and with it many things end but thanks to God I treasure your friendship, you are wonderful and I love you very much, happy new year”
"There are a million reasons to celebrate the new year but the best of all is that I have the love of my friends as they have mine, have happiness and live the new year"
We wish that these text messages for friends for the new year are useful to wish all the best to your friends on this first day of the year, that you have luck and a wish for a happy new year for you too.
Send free cute New Year messages
The arrival of the end of the year brings us again the excitement, joy and hope of a new year . Every year, we reflect on everything we have experienced and spread our best wishes to all our acquaintances.
We can do this through social networks or text messages, but it is always better to give something more personal, more intimate; such as a card with which you never look bad.
Write a message with your fist and letter, and personally deliver the card with a smile to that person you esteem is better than a simple and cold message on the network or mobile. Dare to show more warmth by delivering a nice card this end of the year.
For this type of occasion, we have prepared several dedications for your new year cards. Customize or be inspired by them to create your own dedication.
Dedications to put on your New Year's cards
“The year that goes is not the best for you but don't lose hope. The best things take time to arrive. Happy new year friend ! "
“I wish you a great new year. To you who never give up. To you that with your effort you got what you wanted. I wish you a year equal to or better than the one that leaves . ”
“May the new year bring you new and interesting challenges and that if at some point you fall, you know how to get up. Happy New Year!"
Short phrases of happy new year to share
“A new year begins for everyone and I hope to continue having your friendship. May this year only give us joy and if it makes us sad we will be there to support each other. ”
“Thank you for the support you always gave me during the most difficult times and for the smiles you took me out. Happy New Year friend ! "
“At midnight, let's close our eyes and ask for a better world. If everyone strives, I am sure that everything can be achieved. I wish you a New Year full of much love . ”
“The time has come to say goodbye to the old year and welcome new year. May this new year bring you much happiness ”
“Remember that the problems are not stronger than you and that with confidence in God everything will be better. I wish you a great new year, do not forget that you will always have a good friend in me . ”
Download beautiful happy new year thoughts for Facebook
“If you manage to take advantage of all the lessons learned next year, I am sure that the year you start will be much better. Happy New Year friend!"
“I want your life to change for good but never forget the friends who esteem you like me. Have a great new year and remember that there are no impossible if you believe in yourself . ”
“May joy, love and prosperity be present in your life throughout the year that begins. Happy new year friend, I only wish you the best . ”
“From one day to another our lives can change and much more if it is the beginning of another year. I wish that this new year that we begin is one of the best in our lives and that the hopes as well as our dreams are endless. Happy New Year!"
“May the twelve bells that welcome the new year be a new beginning for you. A sign to forget what made you cry and move on. Happy New Year for you!"
“If we close our eyes we can feel that everything will be better this coming year. I wish you a great new year full of positive energies and all the love of God. ”
Happy new year wishes to dedicate to my relatives
“Every year it starts open a box of new dreams. I wish yours to come true next year. Have a great new year. ”
“I wish that luck is your faithful companion and that disappointment never interferes with your dreams. Happy New Year!"
“What I want for you this new year is that you never get discouraged, go ahead and fight for what you want. Happy new year friend! You can always count on me . ”
“In a few minutes a good year ends, let's say goodbye happily because I'm sure that next year will be better. Happy new year to all my friends ”
“When twelve o'clock arrives, remember to smile if you want the smile to accompany you all year. Have a happy new year with your family ”
“This year I made many mistakes, I learned to win and lose, I learned many things that I am sure will help me make this new year so much better. Happy New Year"
“I hope this year is an interesting and exciting year, because remember that life is better when we face obstacles that we overcome. Happy New Year"
“To all my friends I wish you a happy new year. Thank you for being such good people, I hope this year they are still as good as ever. I love you so much."
Happy new year greetings to my Facebook friends
“If you had bad days this year, forget about them and just keep those days when you learned something or were happy. The time has come to celebrate for the beginning of a new stage. Happy New Year"
“Before the end of the year, reflect on everything you have lived and keep in your heart those rewarding experiences. May this new year meet your goals. Happy New Year"
“Today we start a new year and I hope all my friends fulfill their dreams. This new year is like writing a new book, it depends on our decisions, our successes and mistakes. May it be a happy year for everyone ”
“If this year you were wrong, rejoice because next year you will not make the same mistakes. Have a happy new year ”
“Put a lot of desire into this new year because only then will your wishes come true. May this year be the best of all. Happy new year ”
Happy New Year dedications for WhatsApp
“I am very sorry for not being a good friend this year, so before the end of this year I want to greet you and wish you a happy new year. I love you and you promise that this year I will be the best friend in the world ”
“May next year be a year of success and joy. That doubt never assails you when it comes to fighting for your goals. Happy New Year"
“Have everything new this year, except your friends because we would miss you too much. Have a great new year fun ”
“My wish for all my friends is that this year they live it as if it were the last year of their life. Take risks if you want to fulfill your dreams and be immensely happy every day. Happy New Year"
“Happy new year to you and yours. I know what you want to be and do what you want to do, I just want you to fulfill all your dreams . ”
“In spite of all the problems experienced, in spite of the mistakes made, I want you to move forward and that this new year means a new beginning for you. Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year phrases for cards
“ Happy new year to all my friends . You know who you are. They are the ones who gave me a hug when everything was wrong, the ones who convinced me that all the problems were passengers. I wish you all the best in this new year. ”
“The dreams we dream of children are the dreams we are seeing come true today. I wish everyone I love a great new year. May your dreams continue to come true. ”
“I wish that in this year, the bonds of friendship always continue to unite us and that their lives are full of love and hope. Happy New Year friends! "
“I want you to cry this year, but with joy, I want you to love, but not suffer and dream, but wake up to make what you dream come true. Happy New Year for you!"
Original happy new year texts for mobile
“I know that the year that goes is not the best but I am sure that next year will be yours. Start this year with renewed optimism and you will see that everything will be fine. Happy New Year!"
“ May your year be full of the blessings of God and with your guide you get where you want to go. Happy New Year!"
“I hope that health and hope will accompany you during the year we started and that when you need a friend, look for me. Happy New Year!"
"Hoping you have a happy year, full of the love of your family and the friendship of your friends, I wish you a great start to the year."
“You deserve only good things for being the wonderful person you are. I wish you a happy New Year, 365 days of hope and harmony . ”
Nice happy new year messages for friends
“The last thing that is lost is hope and I hope that no matter the difficulties of life, you never lose it. Happy New Year!"
“Tonight I will toast for you and ask you to have health, love and strength to get what you want. Happy New Year!"
“I wish that tomorrow, you will wake up with renewed energies to continue fighting for your dreams and goals. I wish you a happy new year."
“May the sun always rise in your days and may it shine in your heart in winter. Happy New Year my friend, I wish you only the best ”
“One more year that begins and I know you will know how to take advantage. A year that I am sure will bring you many satisfactions. Happy New Year for you."
The best happy new year phrases to dedicate
“At twelve o'clock at night, when the old year says goodbye, we will raise our glasses to wait with joy that the new year will be the best of our lives. Happy New Year!"
“May this new year that begins in our lives continue full of joy, but above all the friendship of our true friends. Happy New Year!"
“For every chime, a wish. For each desire an illusion, and for each illusion, the assurance that with effort, your desire will come true. Happy New Year friend!"
“I wish you always have a goal to fight for, someone to love and a hope to continue. Happy New Year!"
“With little to twelve, I can only wish you all the luck and joy of the world in this year that begins. Remember that you can count on me for whatever you want. Happy New Year!"
With any of these dedications you can express your best wishes this year to the people you love most.